As seen in the image below, when you select a document, its contents will automatically be displayed for you. You can sort the columns,use a field as a titleuse a field as a title and directly edit the field. No programming is required, to achieve all these changes.
Editing a field
Select an item in the Selection Tree
Select a field to be edited
Edit the field directly in the bottom panel
Click OK, or Ctrl +S then clickin the toolbar to save the document.
Adding a new empty field
Select an item in the Selection Tree
Clickin the toolbar to add a new empty field
The New Item dialog box opens :
Choose the type of the new field,
Enter its name and value(s).
For list fields, you can choose any separator from the list and choose to apply a specific action: Sort, Trim or Unique
The following separators are available to select :
You can enter any formula with the formula button:to generate a value from it.
Click OK, then clickto save your document.
Adding a new field (inheriting from an existing field)
Select an item in the Selection Tree.
Select a field in the right panel.
Clickin the toolbar to create a new field inheriting from the one you selected.
The "New Item" dialog opens, already filled with the information of the original field.
Make any change to this new field , (at least rename it).
Click OK, then clickto save your document
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