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Batch Processing Script Suite

As of versions 16 and later, the designPropEZ database function has been deprecated.
For versions 12 and earlier, please use the designPropEZ Database, or the main EZ Suite database. If you do not have these, please contact our support team at
For more information on how to use this database see this page.

designPropEZ Batch Processing Script Suite

This suite of scripts supersedes the designPropEZ database's batch process functions in version 16.5.1 and beyond.

For ease of execution, please make sure all scripts within are contained within the same directory.
Inline comments/instructions have been included in each script for your convenience.

Included in this script package:

    1. Mandatory_Settings_Input_designPropEZ.xml – User input required. This is where you enter your edit values that will be called from Mandatory_Process_designPropEZ.xml; it is the only script in the suite that requires input from the user.
    2. Mandatory_Process_designPropEZ.xml – User input not required. This script is the main "caller" script to carry out the process. By default, this is not configured to process multiple databases through standalone operation.
    3. Mandatory_Export_designPropEZ.xml – User input not required. This script handles all the export settings called from the process script.
    4. Optional_GridConfigSettings_designPropEZ.xml – This an optional script that will be called in by the process script if it is within the same directory. You may use this preset configuration file, or you may save your own.
    5. Optional_Launch_designPropEZ.xml – This is an optional script and is a standalone for users who want to process multiple databases without launching the script from a selection in databaseEZ.

    Using the script suite:


      • Open the file Mandatory_Settings_Input_designPropEZ.xml in any XML editor and input your desired values as indicated in the internal comments.

      The process file can also be launched directly on an database already open in designPropEZ. However, for most consistent results we recommend that users adopt the best practice outlined in these steps.

      • Ensure that Mandatory_Export_designPropEZ.xml is available in the same directory as your settings file. No user input is needed, but you may modify parameters and values as needed.
      • It is not necessary to include a grid configuration file, but if desired, you can choose the preset configuration by keeping Optional_GridConfigSettings_designPropEZ.xml in the same directory. You may also save your own grid configuration file in this directory and under the same name.
      • If you need to process multiple databases, you can either use the option 'Execute Automation File on…' to launch Mandatory_Process_designPropEZ.xml on a given selection of databases in databaseEZ. Or, if you don't want to involve databaseEZ, input your database information in Optional_Launch_designPropEZ.xml; the information will be called from the process script.


      • To process a single database, open designPropEZ (if not already opened) and select the option 'Load Automation file' from the Database menu. Find and run the script named Mandatory_Process_designPropEZ.xml. Your settings specified in Mandatory_Settings_Input_designPropEZ.xml will be applied.
      • To process multiple databases, refer to the multi-database preparation step above.

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