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AddComment: Add Comment in Grid

Tag: AddComment

The AddComment function does exactly that -- it adds a comment in the grid.

<AddComment columnTitle="Comment column" text="This is my comment" ColumnID="displayName" color="#666069"/>

The AddComment function does exactly that -- it adds a comment in the grid

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
Text(free text)Comment content

The corresponding Column ID as shown in the Grid Manager

If comment is not Global, Unique ID of column where you want to add the comment.

If comment is global (Global=True, see below), this parameter must not be provided.

ColumnTitleN/ATitle of new Comment column
ColorN/AHexadecimal RGB color code - background cell color

True / False

(defaults to False)

If True, the comment text is evaluated as a Javascript formula whose resulting output is displayed in the grid cell.


True / False

(defaults to False)

If false, comment is stored on the shared or cloud DB (e.g. Cosmos, provided the user license Cosmos info matches the current tenant in sapio365 - see About panel, or in the shared HCL Notes comments database)

TargetN/AThe corresponding Grid Code (unnecessary in sapio365).

True / False

(Defaults to False)

If true, the comment is not persisted in a database and its lifespan extends only to that of the grid, it disappears with the grid

TextAlignmentOne of: Left, Center, Right

Sets text alignment in column format (cell & group)

TextColorTrue / False (Defaults to False)

Hexadecimal RGB color code - Grid cell text color

AddIfBlankTrue / False (Defaults to False)

If False, the comment is only added if the text is not blank (contains other characters than spaces).

Defaults to False

GlobalTrue / False (defaults to false)

Creates a global annotation (a.k.a. a Column Comment).

Defaults to False


Multivalue family name: when the comment column is created, it joins or create the family

Upon multivalue explosion, the comment is processed with the other columns in the family. NB: undefined behaviour if all cells in the family do not hold the same number of entries in each multivalue


True / False

(Defaults to False)

If true, the comment replaces the existing permanent cell comment, instead of creating a newer entry in the comment history.

If the comment does not exist, it is created.

This setting has no effect on volatile or global comments since they do not have a history.

Detailed Description

Referencing a column will put that column text into the comment. To reference a column, enclose its unique ID with # signs:

Beware of circular references ! If comment A refers to Comment B, and B refers to Comment A, you lose.

Example Script

<ytriaAutomation Application="sapio365">
	<AddComment columnTitle="Comment Column" text="This is my comment" ColumnID="displayName" color="#666069"/>

	<Select Lines="ByValue" Top="3">
		<SetParam ColumnID="groupType" Value="Security Group"/>

	<AddComment columnTitle="My Group Type Phrase" text="This is another comment" ColumnID="displayName" color="#AAAAAA" IsVolatile="True" TextAlignment="Center" TextColor="#00FF00"/>

When automation adds a Global annotation column, its column ID can be retrieved with the system variable: NewestGlobalCommentColumnID

<AddComment Global="true" columnTitle="My Group Type" text="'#displayName' type is '#groupType#'" ColumnID="displayName" color="#AAAAAA" IsVolatile="True" TextAlignment="Center" extColor="#00FF00"/>
<SetVar MyGlobalColID="{%NewestGlobalCommentColumnID%}"/>

When ColumnID matches an existing global with the same volatile status, the comment is modified in the existing column, not added to a new column.
Here, only the second comment is visible:

<AddComment columnTitle='Default Domain' ColumnID='userPrincipalName' Global='true' IsVolatile='True' Text='This is a comment'/>
<AddComment columnTitle='Re Domain' ColumnID='{%NewestGlobalCommentColumnID%}' Global='true' IsVolatile='True' Text='This is a second comment'/>

In this example, we create 3 comments that are memebrs of the same multivalue family. When exploded, they are processed together:

<AddComment Text='var a=&quot;#*userPrincipalName*#&quot;.split(&quot;.&quot;); a' Global='True' ColumnID='Split1' IsFormula='True' IsVolatile='True' columnTitle='Split 1' Family='Split Sisters'/>
<AddComment Text='var a=&quot;#*userPrincipalName*#&quot;.split(&quot;.&quot;); a' Global='True' ColumnID='Split2' IsFormula='True' IsVolatile='True' columnTitle='Split 2' Family='Split Sisters'/>
<AddComment Text='var a=&quot;#*userPrincipalName*#&quot;.split(&quot;.&quot;); a' Global='True' ColumnID='Split3' IsFormula='True' IsVolatile='True' columnTitle='Split 3' Family='Split Sisters'/>

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