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Edit ACL Entries

Tag: EditEntries

The action EditEntries, along with the applicable SetParam child actions, lets you automate the ACL editing options found in the Attributes Panel.

Detailed Description

None of the SetParam options are mandatory. If they are not set within the script block, they will not be changed.

SetParam Options

Field NameCompatible Field ValuesValue Description
CreateTrue / False


DeleteTrue / False


CreatePrivateAgentsTrue / False


CreatePrivateFoldersTrue / False


CreateLSAgentsTrue / False


ReadPublicTrue / False


WritePublicTrue / False


ReplicateOrCopyTrue / False


TypeExact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index value integer

This is can also be set with the Index field attribute and an integer value

Dropdown menu text conforms to the installed product language, the Index value is always compatible

AccessExact display text of the dropdown menu item or Index value integer

This is can also be set with the Index field attribute and an integer value

Dropdown menu text conforms to the installed product language, the Index value is always compatible





Example Scripts

	<SetParam Field="Create" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="Delete" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="CreatePrivateAgents" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="CreatePrivateFolders" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="CreateSharedFolders" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="CreateLSAgents" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="ReadPublic" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="WritePublic" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="ReplicateOrCopy" Value="true"/>
	<SetParam Field="Type" Value="Person"/>
	<SetParam Field="Access" Index="3"/>
	<SetParam Field="Apply" Value="Click"/>
	<SetParam Field="Reset" Value="Click"/>
	<Load Server="ACME01/ACME" Partial="True">
		<Load Database="activity.ntf" Select="True"/>
		<Load Database="admin4.nsf" Select="True"/>
		<Load Database="admin4.ntf" Select="True"/>
	<Select Lines="ByValue">
		<SetParam ColumnID="ACL4" Value="server group"/>
		<SetParam Field="Type" Value="Person"/>
		<SetParam Field="Access" Index="6"/>
		<SetParam Field="Apply" Value="Click"/>

In the script above, the databases "activity.ntf", "admin4.nsf", and "admin4.ntf" found on server ACME01/ACME will be loaded into aclEZ selection tree and the main grid. The rows that contain the value "server group" in the Type column will be selected, and the properties "Type" and "Access" will be set to "Person" and "Manager" respectively. These settings will be applied by using the "Apply" field option.

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