GroupBy: Group Grid Data by Column
Tag: GroupBy
The self-closing tag GroupBy lets you automate grouping by a specified column within a specified grid.
Detailed Description
When the GroupBy action is used without a Target attribute, or when this attributes Value is "Grid", the action will be carried out on the main grid.
The Server attribute is only applicable to consoleEZ, in which case it will be mandatory for Target="LogAnalyzer" or Target="VolumeAnalyzer".
The attribute Index is also only used in consoleEZ and is mandatory when using Target="LogAnalyzer" or Target="VolumeAnalyzer", it is the value found on the Log Analyzer and Volume Analyzer windows.
Tag Attributes
Attributes | Attribute Values | Value Description |
Target | Applicable Grid Code | N/A - Not Required (See detailed description) |
ColumnID | Applicable column ID as shown in the Grid Manager | N/A - Required |
Server | Abbreviated server names (separated by comma) | N/A - Only applicable in consoleEZ (See detailed description) |
Index | Positive integer | Window index number - Only applicable in consoleEZ (See detailed description) |
Example Scripts
<GroupBy ColumnID="L0" Target="VolumeAnalyzer" Server="Acme01/ACME,Acme02/ACME" Index="2"/>
<GroupBy Target="DiscoverReplicas" ColumnID="SDB1"/>
In the above script line, the contents of the Discover Replicas grid in replicationEZ would be grouped by the column "Replica ID".