Add: Show Specific Grid Columns
Tag: Add
This self-closing tag will make a column visible or move it, if already visible, to the specified Position value.
Tag Attributes
Attributes | Attribute Values | Value Description |
Target | Applicable Grid Code | N/A - Not Required. If no target is set, this will default to the main grid. |
ColumnID | Applicable Column ID in the Grid Manager | N/A - Required |
Position | Applicable Grid Position entry as shown in the Grid Manager | This is the position to which the column will be moved. |
Example Scripts
<Add ColumnID="abc" Position="10"/>
<Load Server="Acme01/ACME"/>
<Select Target="Tree" Folder="Demos"/>
<Add ColumnID="abc" Position="10"/>
<Add ColumnID="def" Position="11"/>
<Add ColumnID="ghi" Position="12"/>
In the script above, the server "Acme01/ACME" will be loaded into the Databases panel, the folder "Demos" will be selected in the Tree, providing that those paths exist. The columns with ColumnID abc, def, and ghi will be placed in position 10, 11, and 12, respectively, in the Main Grid.