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Volume Analyzers in consoleEZ

consoleEZ Volume Analyzers

The Volume Analyzers in consoleEZ provides you with the Ytria flexYgrid interface.
The Volume Analyzer scans the 'Events' categories from the server's log.nsf and displays the log's entire content.

Volume Analyzers Options

Log Category to analyze:

  • Usage (Session Activity): Session and network activity of users or servers on Databases and Domino servers.
  • Replications Events: Information about server replications.
  • Passthru Connections: Activity of users or servers connecting through a Domino pass-through connection.


The type of Volume Analyzer launched is displayed in the grid's header.

Date-Time Range Filter:

  • Include everything: Includes all the logs; no time range is applied.
  • Set Date-Time Range: By default it takes 30 minutes before the last log time.

Using Volume Analyzers

  • Create Pivot Table: More information on this page.
  • Change Settings: Goes back to the Volume Analyzer Options window.
  • Close: Closes the Volume Analyzer grid.

Grid right-click options - Tools and Columns

Open in Notes Client: Open the selected Volume Analyzer event in the Notes Client.

More information about Grid Tools and Options is here.

The Volume Analyzers grid includes the following columns:

Usage (Session Activity):

Originating ServerSource server
Starting TimeDate and Time value
Ending TimeDate and Time value
Elapsed TimeTime value
User NameUser session activity
Documents ReadNumber of documents read
Documents WrittenNumber of documents written
Bytes Sent From ServerNumber of bytes sent from server
Bytes Sent To ServerNumber of bytes sent to server
Network UsageSession network usage
Nb of TransactionsDecimal value
Discrete - Database accessedName of the Database accessed
Discrete - Documents ReadNumber of documents read on a database
Discrete - Documents WrittenNumber of documents written on a database
Discrete - Time Opened (in Seconds)Duration of an opened database
Discrete - Bytes ReadNumber of Bytes read on a database
Discrete - Bytes WrittenNumber of Bytes written on a database
Discrete - Nb of TransactionsNumber of transactions on a database
Number of Discrete EventsDecimal value
Log Document NoteIDHexadecimal format value

Replication Events:

Originating ServerSource replication server
Starting TimeDate and Time value
Ending TimeDate and Time value
Elapsed TimeTime value
Initiated ByReplication server initiator
Remote ServerTarget replication server
Discrete - Target ServerServer replication command target
Discrete - Target DatabaseDatabase updated by replication process
Discrete - Source ServerServer replication command source
Discrete - Source DatabaseSource database sending information
Discrete - DirectionPUSH/PULL
Discrete - Source Server AccessServer replication command source - Access level
Discrete - Note(s) AddedNumber of Note(s) added
Discrete - Note(s) DeletedNumber of Note(s) deleted
Discrete - Note(s) UpdatedNumber of Note(s) updated
Discrete - Total Bytes ReceivedTotal number of bytes received during the replication
Discrete - Total Bytes SentTotal number of bytes sent during the replication
Number of Discrete EventsDecimal value
Log Document NoteIDHexadecimal format value

Passthru Connections:

Originating ServerPassthru server
Starting TimeDate and Time value
Discrete - DateDate and Time value
Discrete - DestinationDestination server
Discrete - User NameName of the user using a Passthru connection
Discrete - Error DescriptionConnection error description
Number of Discrete EventsDecimal value
Log Document NoteIDHexadecimal format value

More information about Grid Columns is here.

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