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Installation guide and troubleshooting

Install sapio365

There are three steps:

Step 1 - Download

Download the latest version of sapio365 here.

Step 2 - Install

Execute the .exe file to install the sapio365 application on your device. 

If you have a sapio365 license code, you may enter it here or you may enter it at any time in the product settings.

Without a license code, sapio365 can only be used in a limited "Lite" mode, where only the "My Data" section is functional.

Step 3 - Register

Launch sapio365 and it will ask you to register a valid account. This is a one-time registration. Please make sure that you use a valid email address. You will immediately be emailed your 5 digit AVN number, which you then paste in the same dialog within sapio365. This creates a valid account for you on Ytria's server.

This completes the process. You are ready to explore your Microsoft 365 tenant.

See this page on how to get started!

Install on several devices using your AVN

If you’d like to install sapio365 on more than one machine, or if you’re re-installing sapio365, you can skip registration on the new installations by using the AVN code sent to you during registration. More details on this page.

Install for multiple users on one machine

Although sapio365 is installed in the Program Files by default at the user level, you can install it at a system level to work with multiple Windows accounts. Each Windows account can then login and register their own information for sapio365. Learn more on this page.

Manage your sapio365 license

In order to have a fully functional sapio365 you must enter a license code in the product. Follow these simple steps.

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