Whenever you click on an item in theItem ListtheField Value tabappears in the (lower right-hand)Information panel. Some of the information in theField Value tabappears for all types of items:
Item Type
Item Name
Summary:This tells you if the "IsSummary" property is checked.
Encrypted:This corresponds with the "enable encryption" option in Domino Designer.
Signed:This corresponds with the "Sign if mailed or saved..." option in Domino Designer.
Protected:This corresponds with the "Must have at least Editor access to use" option in Domino Designer.
Unchanged:This tells you if the item in memory is different from what's on disk.
Modification Date
Item size in bytes
Sequence number
Duplication ID
This page will show how you can view —and, where applicable, edit—different types of fields in scanEZ. But for an explanation of what these fields are used for please refer to your IBM Lotus Notes and Domino Help documentation.
Contextual Field Value Information
Other options and pieces of information displayed in theField Value tabvary according to the type of item selected. Listed below are the main items types: