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Create a new user

Create a new user in Azure Active Directory or in your local Active Directory (hybrid tenants).

  • You can select an existing user to use a template to prefill property fields in the creation dialog.

  • If you select more than one user in the grid, only property values common to all selected users will be used to prefill the dialog.

  • Once applied, you will have a preview of the new user in the grid before clicking 'Save' to commit the changes in the grid.

User creation in Azure AD is currently limited to member type accounts. Guest accounts cannot be created in sapio365 at this time.

Hybrid tenants

If you create a user on-prem based on a synced account like in the image on the right below, the new account will appear as “On-premises”. Remember to force sync and refresh the sapio365 grid to see the changes in your synced data. You can sync groups on AD DS and Azure AD directly from sapio365 in the submenu of "On-premises groups".

Create a user in the cloud

Create a user on-premises

Bulk create users

You can create users using an Excel or CSV file. Learn more about this feature.

Onboard users automatically

In the Users module on the left-side panel under Job Center, run the “USER ONBOARDING' job to create new users accounts and add them automatically to groups, roles or assign them licenses.

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