The ribbon in the main window of sapio365 includes the following:
Button or section
New session
Create a New Standard sapio365 session
Create a New Advanced sapio365 session.
Select an existing sapio365 session.
Current Session
View current session information.
Sign out of the current session. Note that if you sign out of an elevated session, you will be asked to provide a password for the sapio365 application in your Azure Active Directory.
Manage Privileges by updating the registered application that elevates your privileges in sapio365. Also shown as “Elevate Privileges” in Advanced Sessions.
Recent Sessions
Your most recent sessions are listed here. Click on one to connect.
Manage Sessions
Take a shortcut to the ‘back’ of sapio365 to delete recent sessions or make them “favourites”.
Load a sapio365 Snapshot or Restore Point file. These are stills of data that were saved at one point in time.
Go to the ‘back’ of sapio365 to view or manage Job Center Configuration, Automation, Recent Sessions, Open Windows, RBAC Available Roles, User Activity Logs, Comment History, sapio365 role-based access control (RBAC - Configuration), sapio365 Access & Restrictions, Process Log, Preferences, sapio365 license information.
Send comments or ask questions. Your message will be answered by the Ytria support team.
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Hide the ribbon to maximize grid space.
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Go to online help documentation (this website).
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