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Main Window Ribbon

The ribbon in the main window of sapio365 includes the following:

Button or sectionDescription
1New session
  • Create a New Standard sapio365 session

  • Create a New Advanced sapio365 session.

  • Select an existing sapio365 session.

2Current Session
  • View current session information.

  • Sign out of the current session. Note that if you sign out of an elevated session, you will be asked to provide a password for the sapio365 application in your Azure Active Directory.

  • Manage Privileges by updating the registered application that elevates your privileges in sapio365. Also shown as “Elevate Privileges” in Advanced Sessions.

3Recent Sessions
  • Your most recent sessions are listed here. Click on one to connect.
4Manage Sessions
  • Take a shortcut to the ‘back’ of sapio365 to delete recent sessions or make them “favourites”.
5Edit On-Prem Settings
  • Load a sapio365 Snapshot or Restore Point file. These are stills of data that were saved at one point in time.
  • Go to the ‘back’ of sapio365 to view or manage Job Center Configuration, Automation, Recent Sessions, Open Windows, RBAC Available Roles, User Activity Logs, Comment History, sapio365 role-based access control (RBAC - Configuration), sapio365 Access & Restrictions, Process Log, Preferences, sapio365 license information.
  • Send comments or ask questions. Your message will be answered by the Ytria support team.
9Collapse icon
  • Hide the ribbon to maximize grid space.
10Question mark icon
  • Go to online help documentation (this website).
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