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Main Window

Get the lay of the land here before exploring sapio365!

When you launch sapio365 the main window below is your starting point.

It has 2 major sections that are present in every sapio365 window.

1The ribbon

In the main window, this is where you manage your connection to your Microsoft 365 data (and local Active Directory if hybrid tenant), your sessions, and grid data Snapshots.

In other windows, the ribbon consists of sections to load data, transform data in the grid, and make changes to the server.


The data entry points or data

(displayed in FlexyView grid in other windows)

In the main window, this area consists:

  • Homeis your entry point for managing ALL your Microsoft 365 data.
  • All Jobs is your catalog of ready-to-run automated reports and tasks.
  • My Jobs is a view of your favourite jobs and the jobs you have scheduled.
  • My Data on the far right is your entryway to your own personal data.

In other windows, this area is taken up by the FlexyView grid, which displays data, allows you to analyze it, and to preview changes before they are committed to the server.

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