TheDocument Analyzer in scanEZ reads the content of your database to help find specific information and anomalies that cannot be found by using @formula-searches.
Using the Document Analyzer
Open the Document Analyzer from the toolbar buttonor from the menu:Tools > Documents Analyzer.
The results will be displayed in agridat the bottom of the screen along with the problem found.
You can select any results and apply either theAdd to New 'My Selection'orAdd to Current 'My Selection'to put them in aMy Selectionfolder.
Change screenshot --- Add Grid part with right click option and link to the column page.
List of all Document Analyzer filters
This tool offers several different filters for analyzing a database's documents. You can select any combination of these filters with checkboxes:
If your document meets the criteria for more than one issue, then it will appear more than once in your results.
Document contains author field(s) Document contains reader field(s) Document contains multiple fields with the same name (excluding RichText and $File)
Documents Signature
Document contains items with sign flags but is not signed: in other words, it's set up to be part of the signature hash Document is signed
Document Encryption
Document contains items with encrypt flags but is not encrypted: in other words, it's set up to be part of an encryption Document is encrypted with 'Secret Encryption Key(s)' Document is encrypted with the 'Public Encryption Key' of one or more listed users Document is encrypted with the 'Public Encryption Key' of an unlisted user Document is NOT encrypted but one or more 'Public Encryption Keys' are listed Document is NOT encrypted but one or more 'Secret Encryption Keys' are listed
Document has a responses, but response is missing Document is a response, but parent is missing Document is a response but is its own parent Document is a response but parent is a phantom Document is aPhantom Parent Document is a response, but its parent doesn't know it
Document has $Conflict field, but no valid parent Document is its own conflict
Sum of Summarized Item Data
Document's total summary data exceeds 20k Document's total summary data exceeds 25k Document's total summary data exceeds 30k Document's total summary dataexceeds 32k
In order to merge Text Fields or Number Fields of documents containing multiple fields with the same name: Use theOthersbutton and selectMerge Fieldson theDiff screen.
When using theDocument Analyzerto search fordocuments withmissing parents(orphans) you may also want to know about any responses that belong to those orphan documents. Here's how you can find them:
Add the orphan documents to aMy Selectionvirtual folder.
Select an orphan in the My Selection folder and right-click it.
If this orphan document has any response you can add them to the selection in the contextual menu:
Repeat this process to search for any orphans' descendants.
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