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Post-Replication Auditor

The Post-Replication Auditor is used to show the current state of a database after a replication. In other words, it's like a 'postmortem' for a replicated database. With this tool you will be able to see which documents may have been resurrected (these documents are sometimes called "ghost documents" or "ghosts") as well as other replication issues. This tool is accessible via its toolbar button or the Tools > Post Replication Auditor... menu.


Unlike the Replication Auditor, the Post-Replication Auditor needs to open all documents to gather the data it needs to perform an audit. Therefore, we recommend that you to select a cutoff date (such as the date of the last replication) to reduce the audit process time.

Document Resurrection

The following diagrams explain how document resurrection occurs in a replica.

Case 1:
The document is ok

Case 2: 

The document is ok, it was created in this database

In instances where the 'Created initially' date of a replicated document falls within the database's deletion stub lifefime, the replicated document will not be a ghost.
When the 'Created initially' date matches the 'Created in this file' date, it tells us that the document was created in this database (i.e. the database which you are auditing) so it will not be a ghost.

Case 3:
The document is ok

Case 4: 

The document is possibly a resurrection (ghost)

In instances where the 'Created initially' date of a replicated document precedes the deletion stub lifetime cutoff date (e.g. if the deletion stub lifetime setting was 90 days and this document was 'created initially' 95 days ago) but the replica database's creation date falls within the deletion stub lifetime, the replicated document will not be a ghost.
In instances where the 'Created initially' date of a replicated document predates the deletion stub lifetime cutoff date (e.g. if the deletion stub lifetime setting was 90 days and this document was 'created initially' 95 days ago) the replicated document could possibly be a ghost.
But remember it's only possibly a ghost. There are specific instances where one could legitimately expect a document's 'Created initially' date to predate the deletion stub lifetime cutoff date (e.g: restored backup documents or a design refresh from a template).


For more information about deletion stubs, replication purge intervals and cutoff dates, click on the following links to view IBM Tech Notes regarding these subjects.

IBM TechNote (Ref# 1110117) - Q&As about replication purge intervals and cutoff dates

IBM TechNote (Ref# 1091379) - How does purging of documents occur in Notes?


Modified (In this file) afterYou can enter a date using the Date... button or select a date in the replication history from the pull-down list. By default, if no date is entered, the audit will process all the notes.
Current databaseName and file name of this database
Database creation dateCreation date of this database
Deletion stubs lifetimeThe deletion stubs lifetime is set to the database replication settings value. It can be modified here for audit needs, this will not modify your deletion stubs lifetime replication setting.

Post-Replication audit results

All Documents or 'Ghosts Only'

As soon as you perform a Post-Replication Audit, scanEZ will prompt you to choose if you'd like to display either 'Ghosts' or 'All.'
If you choose 'Ghosts,' only possible resurrections will be displayed in the results grid. This option will consume considerably fewer computer resources when dealing with large datasets.
If you choose 'All,' all documents will be displayed.

Grouping grid

Post-Replication audit results are displayed in a window that uses a grid interface which supports grouping by column headers. (NB: The interface is slightly different than in some other Ytria tools which use the grid. It uses buttons for the Expand All (+); Collapse All (-); and Ungroup All in addition to placing them in the right-click menu. Also, the Show Filters option is only available in a button not a right-click menu option).

Columns available in the Post-Replication Auditor

Diff with DBThe difference in days between the note's creation date in this file and the creation date of the this database.
DiffThe difference in days between the note's creation date in this file and its official creation date.
StatusPost replication status. See table below for a detailed explanation of all the possible status.
TypeType of the note (i.e.: Document, Form, Agent, etc.)
Created (In this file)Date of creation in this file
Created (Initially)Official creation date
UNIDUniversal Note ID
Sequence Number
Modified (Initially)The note's official modification date.
Modified (In this file)The note's date of modification in this file.
TitleDisplays the name of design elements but will be empty for documents.
Modified byThe note's last editor.

The last 6 columns are optional and can be added/removed by using the check boxes. Also, an optional column cannot be de-selected while being used for grouping results.


Created outside

The creation date in this file is after the official creation date

Has never been created in THIS database!!

The creation date in this file is empty

Has never been created officially!!

The official creation date is empty

Has been created before the official date!!

The creation date in this file is before the official creation date

Created in THIS database

The creation date in this file and the official creation date are equal



Possible Resurrection

This warns that a resurrected or ghost document may have been created



The last modification occurred in this database (inside)


The last modification occurred outside this database (from a replication)

Out - Has been modified before the official date!!

The last modification occurred outside this database (from a replication) and the creation date in this file is before the official creation date.
This means there is a time difference between the replication points.

You can export your results to a file for further analysis.

Contextual menu options

In addition to the right-click menu options common to all grid screens in Ytria tools, the following commands are offered:

Compare Document(s)...The Post-Replication Auditor also provides easy access to compare documents, and allows you to instantly edit or delete any document at the last-minute. You can select a document and launch the Documents Comparator to identify the differences between two or more replicas.
Copy UNID(s) to ClipboardCopy the document(s) UNID to the clipboard
Refresh RowRefresh the selected row(s) data
Delete Document(s)...Delete the selected document(s). A dialog box will offer the option of deleting without creating a deletion stub.
Add to New 'My Selection'Add the selected document(s) to a new My Selection virtual folder.
Add to Current 'My SelectionAdd the selected document(s) to the current My Selection virtual folder.
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