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The actionBarEZ Main Screen

In the main screen, you can select the design elements you want to work on with the checkboxes, modify Actions and Action bars properties of the selected design elements.


actionBarEZ will open the last opened or selected Notes database, or following the information set in your notes.ini file :
YtriaLastOpenDatabasePath and YtriaLastOpenServerName.


You may use the Filter option to get a more specific list of design elements in the tree view.

Menu options


  • Open Database: This option lets you open a new database to work on.
  • Open database with: This allows you to open the current database in another installed Ytria tool.
  • Refresh Ctrl + F9
  • Themes: All Ytria tools allow you to change their theme or "skin." Read more about this feature here.
  • Favorite Databases: This feature lets you keep a list of favorite databases. Databases added to this list will be shared with any other database-level Ytria products. Click here to read more about this feature.
  • Exit: Quit actionBarEZ.
  • Load only R4 actions ($ACTIONS Fields): Before Notes R5, actions were stored in a field (rich text) named $ACTIONS. In Notes R5, a new field was created in order to store the new features: $V5ACTIONS field. To enable a database to still work in Notes R4, the $ACTIONS field remains but Notes R4 ignores the existence of the new item. So, if you make any change in R5 or higher version, both fields are updated. But if you make a modification in R4, only the $ACTIONS is updated, with 2 sets of actions which are no longer coherent. By default, actionBarEZ works with the R5 settings but you can force it to work from the R4 $ACTIONS and this way be sure to see the changes made with R4.
  • Customize Design Element Display: From here you can change the way actionBarEZ displays design elements. Read more about this feature here.

  • Ytria actionBarEZ shares the same Help menu options as our other tools. See the Help menu page for more information.

Read Private Design Elements (Views, Folders and Agents)

If you check this box, actionBarEZ will display private elements (but it might be slightly slower). If you uncheck this box, searching and reading the documents will go faster but you will not be able to see any private views or folders (the tool will use the Design Collection Note instead of NSFSearch.)

How to use actionBarEZ's main screen

  • Select the design elements you want to work on with the checkboxes
  • Click the Actions Bars button to open the Action Bars window where you can mass modify the action bars for the selected design elements.
  • Click the Actions button to view the Actions window where you can see and edit all the actions in the selected design elements.
  • Click Exit to close the program


You can simultaneously launch several sessions of actionBarEZ.

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