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Select: Select Rows

Tag: Select

The Select tag, along with the applicable SetParam options, lets you automate the selection of rows within a target grid.

The selected rows appear with the selection color background (blue by default) in the grid.

<Select Lines="ByValue">
	<SetParam ColumnID="4" Value="alog4.ntf"/>

The Select action can be used for selecting entries within trees and grids; the selection mechanics, attributes and compatible values, and the attributes and SetParam options are different depending on what you need to select.

For selections in grids, server/database trees, and scanEZ's selection tree, please see these pages:

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
TargetApplicable Grid Code

N/A - Not Required (See detailed description)



Selects all lines in the target gridRequired

Selects specified lines as set through the SetParam options

TopMaximum number of entries to select.


ServerAbbreviated server names (separated by comma)

N/A - Only applicable in consoleEZ (See detailed description)

IndexPositive integerWindow index number - Only applicable in consoleEZ (See detailed description)

SetParam Options

AttributesAttribute ValuesValue Description
ColumnIDThe corresponding Column ID as shown in the Grid ManagerSource item names. Separate multiple field names with a semicolon - Required (See detailed description)
ValueUser definable

OR these set values





The value to use as selection criteria 

Acceptable values for checkbox cells - Required (See detailed description)

AndTrue / FalseUsed only for multi-value conditions - Not Required
RawFormatTrue / False

Determines if Date/Time values will be selected based on the text-formatted value displayed in the grid, or the real value (real value is based on standard YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format)


Defaults to false

UseAlternateValueTrue / False

Uses the alternate cell value (always a number) when it is present (e.g. OBJECTTYPE or STATUS columns in sapio365) 


Defaults to false

CaseSensitiveTrue / False

Force case-sensitivity.


Defaults to column case-sensitivity.

Detailed Description

The Select action can be used either without the Target attribute, or with it set to "Grid", when the desired selection is to be carried out on the main grid.

The Lines attribute sets the type of selection process that will be used.

  • Using the value of "All" will select all the lines in the target grid. For example, <Select Target="Grid" Lines="All"/> would select all lines in the main grid.

Using the attribute ByValue will allow you to specify conditions using SetParam options within nested child actions.

The SetParam option attribute ColumnID is used to identify the column within which the mandatory Value string will be located—all lines that contain this string are candidates for selection.

<Select Lines="ByValue">
<SetParam ColumnID="DB1" Value="alog4.ntf"/>

In the script block above, lines that contain the string "alog4.ntf" within the column with the ID of "DB3" will be selected.

Within a Select action block, multi-value conditions can be set up using the And attribute. By setting its value to "True", all conditions set by the list of SetParam lines must be met for a line to be selected.

<Select Lines="ByValue">
	<SetParam And="True" ColumnID="DBName" Value="a_log4.nsf"/>
	<SetParam And="True" ColumnID="DBPath" Value="\"/>
	<SetParam And="True" ColumnID="G0" Value="Standard"/>
	<SetParam And="True" ColumnID="G1" Value="Not Enabled"/>
	<SetParam And="True" ColumnID="G2" Value="ACMELog (Archive)"/>

In the script block above, only lines that meet ALL the conditions set by the combination of ColumnID's and Value strings will be selected.


You may use more than one multi-value condition within the same nested SetParam block. This will create an OR condition.

In the script block above, there are two separate multi-value conditions set. The first SetParam line in the list that does not contain a And ="True" closes the first multi-value condition, and allows the second multi-value condition to be set in the block. This will set up an OR condition between part 1 and part 2. If conditions are met in part 1, part 2 will not be evaluated.


The Server attribute is only used for consoleEZ (Mandatory for Target="LogAnalyzer" or Target="VolumeAnalyzer").

The Index attribute sets the desired positive integer window index. This attribute is only used for consoleEZ (Mandatory for Target="LogAnalyzer" or Target="VolumeAnalyzer").

Example Script

Select All:

<Select Lines="All"/>

Select specific rows by value:

<Select target="GridValues" Lines="ByValue">
	<SetParam ColumnID="T11" Value="MyDoc | MyDoc"/>
	<SetParam ColumnID="T11" Value="($Subscription)"/>
	<SetParam ColumnID="T11" Value="new stuff"/>

By default, each SetParam is OR'ed. You can add a and="true" to link it as and on the next SetParam:

<Select lines="ByValue">
	<SetParam columnID="displayName" value="Alex Wilber" and="true"/>
	<SetParam columnID="OBJECTTYPE" value="User"/>

You can set a top number of selection with Top:

<Select Lines="ByValue" Top="3">
	<SetParam ColumnID="groupType" Value="Security Group"/>

Any other that follows will be in a block that is OR'ed. So, the next one will create a 3 block of OR with an AND inside of it:

<Select Lines="ByValue">
	<SetParam And="True" ColumnID="1" Value="052569F1:005C9F4E"/>
	<SetParam Title="Database Full Path - NOTESAPP/YTRIA" Value="activity.ntf"/>
	<SetParam And="True" ColumnID="1" Value="8525633E:004E834E"/>
	<SetParam Title="Database Full Path - NOTESAPP/YTRIA" Value="clusta4.ntf"/>
	<SetParam And="True" ColumnID="1" Value="8525622A:0051D9B7"/>
	<SetParam Title="Database Full Path - NOTESAPP/YTRIA" Value="cldbdir4.ntf"/>
<Unselect />
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