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Command Line in signEZ

esignEZ offers extensive command line options. This is the basic structure of a command:

signEZ.exe "=<notes.ini path>" "<server>" "<database path>" <command> "<NoteID>"

and here is a sample command:

signEZ.exe "=C:\Program Files\lotus\notes\notes.ini" "CN=MyServer/O=MyCompany" "Ytria\signEZ.nsf" -bel "864a"

Breakdown of a signEZ command's constituent parts:

<notes.ini path>Full OS path of the notes.ini file (this is optional, but strongly recommended as to prevent an incorrect notes.ini file from being used)
<server>Server name where the signEZ database is located. Leave empty if server is local.
<database path>Path to the signEZ database relative to the server data directory. This can be an absolute path if you're using a local server.
<command>Action to perform. See next table for details.
<NoteID>Note ID of the document. Must be a hexadecimal value. See the specific commands below for more information.

Commands available and explanatory notes:

-be [-si | -st | -id]

Execute a signature settings batch document

This command is the same as clicking the Execute button in the Saved Settings view of your signEZ database when one-or-more signature settings batch documents are selected in the list:

<server><db> -be <noteID>

Use -si if you want to use a different user ID to execute the signature settings batch document. You will be prompted to select an ID in pop-up dialog box. This command is the same as the Execute with another ID button in the Saved Settings view of your signEZ database:

<server><db> -be -si <noteID>

Use -st if you want to use the stored user ID set in the notes.ini with "YtriaSignEZSignUsingStored=" equal to the NOTEID (in decimal) of the document (in the signEZ database) containing the stored user ID. This will detach the stored user ID into the <Notes Data Dir>/

<server><db> -be -st <noteID>

Use -id if you'd like to batch execute using an ID file. This uses the path of the user ID set in the Notes.ini with "YtriaSignEZSignUsingID=":

<server><db> -be -id <noteID>

For all -be commands, the 'noteID' must refer to a document in your signEZ database (which you may create manually using scanEZ or create by code) with the following values:

Required FieldTypeExpected Values
NOTEIDSText listAll the signature settings BATCH documents' NoteIDs to process (with each NoteID on its own line and in hexadecimal form)
Optional FieldTypeExpected Value
Note: By default, signEZ will delete this document once the command has completed. The DoNotRemove field with a value of "1" will prevent this deletion from occurring.
-bel [-si | -st | -id]

Batch execute list template
This command is not accessible through the signEZ GUI. It uses a single signature settings batch document as a template for signing design elements for a list of databases on a specific server.

<server><db> -bel <noteID>

Use -si if you want to use a different user ID to execute the signature settings batch document. You will be prompted to select an ID in pop-up dialog box.

<server><db> -bel -si <noteID>

Use -st if you want to use the stored user ID set in the notes.ini with "YtriaSignEZSignUsingStored=" equal to the NOTEID (in decimal) of the document (in the signEZ database) containing the stored user ID. This will detach the stored user ID into the <Notes Data Dir>/

<server><db> -bel -st <noteID>

Use -id if you'd like to batch execute using an ID file. This uses the path of the user ID set in the Notes.ini with "YtriaSignEZSignUsingID=":

<server><db> -bel -id <noteID>

For all -bel commands, the 'noteID' must refer to a document in your signEZ database (which you may create manually using scanEZ or create by code) with the following values:

Required FieldsTypeExpected Values
BATCHIDTextNoteID of the signature settings BATCH document* that you wish to use as a template (must be in hexadecimal form)
SERVERTextServer path in canonical form
DBLISTText ListDatabase paths
Optional FieldTypeExpected Value
Note: By default, signEZ will delete this document once the command has completed. The DoNotRemove field with a value of "1" will prevent this deletion from occurring.

The "database" and "Server" fields in your signature settings BATCH document are ignored when running -bel commands.

** When executing -bel commands, you normally should not use a signature settings BATCH document that uses a "Notes" field to list specific NoteIDs to sign. It is highly unlikely that a database-specific listing of NoteIDs would be relevant for another database; and what's worse, you may end up inadvertently processing notes in your target database that , by pure chance, share the same NoteID.


Batch execute audit/log documents

This command performs the same function as the 'Process' button in the logs view of the signEZ database. The command will perform a batch signing or auditing action on the databases/design elements listed in existing log (aka Audit) documents. The syntax for this command the same as it is for the -bel (Batch execute list template) command.

<server><db> -bea <noteID>

Use -si if you want to use a different user ID to execute the signature settings batch document. You will be prompted to select an ID in pop-up dialog box.

<server><db> -bea -si <noteID>

Use -st if you want to use the stored user ID set in the notes.ini with "YtriaSignEZSignUsingStored=" equal to the NOTEID (in decimal) of the document (in the signEZ database) containing the stored user ID. This will detach the stored user ID into the <Notes Data Dir>/

<server><db> -bea -st <noteID>

Use -id if you'd like to batch execute using an ID file. This uses the path of the user ID set in the Notes.ini with "YtriaSignEZSignUsingID=":

<server><db> -bea -id <noteID>

For all -bea commands, the 'noteID' must refer to a document in your signEZ database (which you may create manually using scanEZ or create by code) with the following values:

Required FieldsTypeExpected Values
LogDatabasePathTextPath to database that contains the log document(s)*
LogServerTextServer of the database that contains the log document(s)
BATCHIDTextThe NotedID of the signature settings BATCH document that you wish to use as a template (must be in hexadecimal form)**
NOTEIDSText ListThe NoteIDs of the log documents you wish to process. Each NoteID must be on its own line and must be in hexadecimal form. (It's very quick and easy to retrieve these NoteIDs with scanEZ)
Optional FieldTypeExpected Value
Note: By default, signEZ will delete this document once the command has completed. The DoNotRemove field with a value of "1" will prevent this deletion from occurring.

*These log document(s) are created if a signing or auditing action is performed AND if either 'forced logging' is enabled for a signing ID or the 'Save previous info in Log database' checkbox is ticked in the signEZ Signature Settings dialog.

**The signature settings BATCH document is only used to supply the settings for this command--not the selection of designs to be processed or their location. Therefore the fields "TypeALL" "SelectALL" "Notes" "Server" and "Database" in the signature settings BATCH document will be ignored when running this command.

Batch execute direct
You can use this command to directly sign a specific design element in a single database. Unlike the other signEZ command line options, with -bed the path of target database is given rather than that of the signEZ database. This command will always use the default signEZ database set in your notes.ini file:
<target server><target db> -bed <noteID of design to process>
The -bed command will always display a pop-up dialog box prompting you to choose a signature ID. This pop-up dialog also includes a checkbox to enable or disable the Verify previous signatures option:

For -bed commands the following options are predefined:
  • The Remember My Settings option will be turned off. (This means no new signature settings batch documents will be listed in the in the Saved Settings view in your signEZ database when this command is executed).
  • Unsigned documents will be signed. This is equivalent to enabling Options>Process Unsigned Elements in the signEZ application.
  • Agents will not automatically be enabled after being signed. This is equivalent to disabling Options>Automatically Enable Agents in Database in the signEZ application.
  • The action will be set to Sign (not Audit or Clean & Sign)
  • No Logs will be created.
  • It will not prompt for each signature.
  • Re-sign my design elements is enabled.
  • The Do not re-sign the following signatures and Re-sign the following signatures options are turned off.

Direct hotspot signing
This command works in the exact same manner as the aforementioned -bed (batch execute direct) direct command, except that it is specifically designed for signing hotspots in documents (typically buttons in email messages). You can use this command to directly sign a specific document in a single database. Unlike most other signEZ command line options, with -hsd the path of target database is given rather than that of the signEZ database. Please note that this command is also available as an add-on toolbar button, click here for installation instruction.
The Direct hotspot signing command will always use the default signEZ database set in your notes.ini file:
<target server><target db> -hsd<noteID of document to process>
The -hsd command will always display a pop-up dialog box prompting you to choose a signature ID. This pop-up dialog also includes a checkbox to enable or disable the Verify previous signatures option:


Batch execute direct multiple

Use this command to sign a single design in a single database then repeat the process on another single design in another single database and so on. This command is used to power the Sign With Another ID option in Ytria agentEZ:

<server><db> -bedm <noteID>

For all -bedm commands, the noteID must refer to a document in your signEZ database (which you may create manually using scanEZ or create by code) with the following values:

Required FieldTypeExpected values
DBLISTText listConcatenation of these things:
1. Server name in Canonical form followed by two exclamation points !! (Omit this step if it's a local database)
2. The database path for your target database
3. The UNID of the item to be signed (there is no space between the database path and the UNID)
e.g: CN=MyServer/O=MyCompany!!MyDir\MyTGT.nsf89AB4AA6C77E965D85256602006B1C9B

Optional FieldTypeValue
Note: By default, signEZ will delete this document once the command has completed. The DoNotRemove field with a value of "1" will prevent this deletion from occurring.

The -bedm command will always display a pop-up dialog box prompting you to choose a signature ID. This pop-up dialog also includes a checkbox to enable or disable the Verify previous signatures option::

For -bedm commands the following options are predefined:
  • The Remember My Settings option will be turned off.
  • Unsigned documents will be signed. This is equivalent to enabling Options>Process Unsigned Elements in the signEZ application.
  • Agents will not automatically be enabled after being signed. This is equivalent to disabling Options>Automatically Enable Agents in Database in the signEZ application.
  • The action will be set to Sign (not Audit or Clean & Sign)
  • No Logs will be created.
  • It will not prompt for each signature.
  • Re-sign my design elements is enabled.
  • The Do not re-sign the following signatures and Re-sign the following signatures options are turned off.

Edit a batch document
This command performs the same function as the Edit button (or double-clicking an item) in your signEZ database:
<server><db> -bu <noteID>
Expects a signature settings signature settings BATCH document Note ID.
Create a new signature settings batch document
This command is the same as the New Settings doc button in your signEZ database (the button was called "Create" in earlier versions of signEZ). If you input the command as follows, a signature settings batch document will be created in the same directory as your default signEZ database (it's set in the "YtriaSignEZDatabasePath" notes.ini value):
<server><db> -bc
If you'd like to be prompted to choose a file path for the batch document, you can use this command:
<server><db> -bc <noteID>
When using the noteID of an existing signature settings BATCH document, please be aware that it will not be used as a full template, just the source of the DATABASE and SERVER field values.
Create multiple batch documents
Use the initial values of an existing signature settings BATCH document and create a batch document for each database in the selected directory. This command is the same as the New Settings Docs for Directory button in your signEZ database (the button was labeled "Create From... " in earlier version of signEZ):
<server><db> -bcm <noteID>
Open a log document
This command is the same as double-clicking a log document or clicking the Open Selected button in your signEZ database when a single document is selected:
<server><db> -lo <noteID>
Expects an AUDIT document Note ID

Open multiple log documents

This command is the same as clicking the Open Selected button in your signEZ database when a multiple documents are selected:

<server><db> -lm <noteID>

For all -lm commands, the noteID must refer to a document in your signEZ database (which you may create manually using scanEZ or create by code) with the following values:

Required FieldTypeExpected values
NOTEIDSText ListNoteIDs of AUDIT documents (in hexadecimal).

Example commands:

signEZ.exe "=C:\Program Files\lotus\notes\notes.ini" "" "Ytria\signEZ.nsf" -be "624b"

This command will execute the signature settings batch document with the NoteID h624b in the local database Ytria\signEZ.nsf.

signEZ.exe "=C:\Program Files\lotus\notes\notes.ini" "CN=MyServer/O=MyCompany" "Ytria\signEZ.nsf" -bel "864a"

This command will execute the signature settings batch document specified in NoteID h864a on a specified list of database (also indicated in the document with NoteID h864a). The database 'Ytria\signEZ.nsf' will be used process the signature settings batch document.


You can easily find a document's NoteID or UNID with scanEZ.

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