Release Notes
See the list below for the latest additions in automation for grid features and other features that are not product specific.
Added December 2024 |
Option to implode current exploded column and explode selected column automatically. |
‘Family' parameter for tag 'AddComment’ to group comments in multivalue explosions. |
Attribute 'Append' for tag 'SaveToFile' to append to an existing file. |
SetVarListFromString: Create a list of variables from the content of a string. |
Added April 2024 |
New tag to trigger error processing and throw an exception: SetError. |
New variable Lastwarning, and tags to remove the last warning or error from the environment: ClearLastError, ClearLastWarning. |
New tag to create a list of variables from a formula instead of a column IDs: SetVarListFromGridSelection. |
New tag to create a list of variables from a string instead of a file: SetVarListFromString. |
New tags to add or remove an entry to and from each element in a list: AddEntry, RemoveEntry, Merge. |
Added March 2024 |
New tag to trigger error processing (throw an exception): SetError. |
New parameter to enforce case sensitivity on Select and SelectFromList: CaseSensitive. |
New tag to create lists of variables from unique values in the grid column: SetVarListFromGridColumns. |
Added February 2024 |
New tag to import list into grid: <ImportListInGrid>. |
Creating an empty list with "ListGlobal" is now permitted. |
Parameter “Target” of <UserInput> can be used for multiple targets using semi colons when adding Events. |
Added November 2023 |
New tag to define a block of actions: <function name="F1">. |
New "OnErrorAction" attribute is available for all action tags. It has options: Skip, Warning, and Error. |
Parameter "AutoClose" is available for "If" tag used with parameter "Target=Question" in order to trigger the OK button in a User question. |
Added August 2023 |
Tag to close a frame (sub-module): <SetKeepAlive value="false"/>. |
Parameter for <GridDataComposition> to freeze the exact column instead of just the column at a given position: <SetFrozenColumn ColumnID ='preferredLanguage' />. |
Execution hierarchy and order set for OnError, OnExit and job error management: 1) ExecuteVar, 2) Execute, 3) MsgBox. |
Parameter to set the PrimaryKey of the grid selection with <SetVarListFromGridSelection/> and to use with <Select>: $PK$. |
Parameter for <SetVarListFromGridSelection/> to add the ability to "auto explode" multi values: ExplodeColumnID. |
Mode for Export to quickly append a row without matching the column header of the grid to the column header of the target file: <SetParam field="Mode" value="AppendRowsBlind"/>. |
Added March 20 2023 |
Automation attribute to "end" the automation without closing the dialog: <KeepAlive="ThisAndStop">. |
Automation GetEnv/SetEnv and GetReg/SetReg to read/write Windows Registry items. |
Parameter Unique="true" in <copy> to only get the Unique attribute in <SetVarListFromGridSelection/>. |
New Variable in UserInput to enter a username: <Variable Type='Username'/> |
Attribute "waitinfo" for a wait panel when using the TextFieldSelectExt.hbs in HTML forms. |
New Variable type in UserInput to execute or launch another automation Job. |
Attribute "AutoClose" for MsgBox with various parameters. |
Automations for views: "MakeLiveView" allows you to store existing sorting, grouping and filtering while "ApplyLiveView" lets you restore the grid state by removing existing sorting, groupings and filters. |
New Variable {%LastError%} which contains the last error raised during the current job or script run (warnings are not set in this variable). |
Automation to trigger another script or message box when the main script ends: <OnExit executeVar="MyVar"> |
Automation to trigger another script or message box when there's an error: <OnError executeVar="MyVar"/> |
Modes "IsIn" and "IsNotIn" for the "IF" automation. |
Added October 26 2022 |
Read or write to the registry (SetReg and GetReg). |
Terminate automation without closing the dialog using KeepAlive="ThisAndStop". |
Added September 29 2022 |
New conditions for SetVarListFromGridSelection where mode = text: isInString/isNotInStringstring, IsIn/isNotIn conditions. |
Automation "SetvarListFromFile" where the user will provide a path to a file (CSV or Excel), and it creates a List of SetVar for each column index provided in the file. |
Reserved, system variable name for LOCALAPPDATA: "FolderLocalAppData". |
Create a variable list of raw values from grid selection using new "SetVarListFromGridSelection" attribute: RawFormat = "true". |